Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reflections on the Past Decade

This is how I felt a couple of days ago when I passed my 10-year mark of returning from the mission. I know, it's really dramatic, and I'm still fairly young, but a decade is a significant fraction of one's life, no matter how old you get. I'm not quite ready to throw caution to the wind yet, but I can at least identify with the old bat above. At 100, or even once you hit your eighties, who cares? I'm sure I'll at least eat all the bacon I want, if not break out the hard liquor.

But back to the subject at hand. I've been back in the States for a decade. I'm not quite sure what to make of that. Every October 25 stands out as another anniversary in my life that I always take notice of, maybe because it's exactly two months after my birthday. I don't know if that's normal. But this year I'm especially reflective. I've done great for myself in the family department, and own a growing business in an industry I love. But all the same, I feel the need to check myself. I kind of feel like 21-year-old Aaron who was ready to conquer the world has morphed into a cynic with ongoing hot and cold faith issues. I'd like to get some of that youthful vigor and idealism back. I remember the drive and enthusiasm I had for the first two or three years home, but I don't know how to recapture it. I feel like I've become too well acquainted with the world and there's no way of really ever getting back to my innocence, because I've seen too much. And I know the goal in life is to grow and learn, even the hard lessons, but sometimes I wonder how some people are able to be so positive. I used to think overly happy people were obnoxious, but I've come to admire people who do that in the face of the same things I encounter in my own life.

Anyway, that's enough of that. I actually am largely happy with life. I have some really great things going for me. I just wanted to get some of that out. No one commented on my previous post, so I punished you by not writing for a month. But also, no one complained that I was gone, so if you're reading, go flog yourself a few times. Best of everything to you until next time.


  1. I totally texted you to wish you well on Oct 25! I am such a good sister! (Yeah, ok, so I didn't comment on your last post; I'm still waiting for you to comment even half as often on my blog as I do on yours.)

    Hey, you need to change the picture to the left ("Unknown Male Fetus") since Emmett has been with us for nearly two months now.

    Just looking out for you.

  2. it took you ten years to become a cynic? maybe I just mature fast...

  3. Wow, I hear you on this post, and even though I didn't serve a mission, I can look back at my naive Ricks College self who was so idealistic and ready to conquer the world, and yeah, now I'm a bit cynical and kinda grumpy. Maybe it's the feeling of crushing responsibility that sets in with adulthood... marriage, parenthood, real callings in church, career... it all gets so intense! And, YEP, "ongoing hot and cold faith issues" pretty much describes me to a T!

    For whatever it's worth, it's nice to know that most of us in our 30's are in pretty much the same boat. I think we're supposed to keep trudging along in spite of all that. Character or something...

    Happy decade anniversary!
