Thursday, July 9, 2009

July Survey: What Makes You Most Skeered?

Okay, I'm not up to three times a week like I was gonna, but I'm getting there. We have less than three weeks until our big anniversary trip to NYC, and blah blah blah... you don't care. I'm still planning on thrice a week, but until we're back, it may just be twice. Not that I have many followers any more. But hopefully that will change with what has usually been a popular feature: the monthly survey. This month's topic would have been really well suited to Halloween, but I didn't want to wait that long. What scares the living daylights out of you (and what did as a kid)?

Is it clowns? A lot of people get freaked out by clowns. I personally am okay with them, although Pennywise from It is pretty freaky. Better yet, is it a children's marketing ploy gone terribly wrong?

Is it Pierce Brosnan singing? For those of you who haven't seen Mamma Mia!, the look on poor Pierce's face as he croons is even more scary and uncomfortable than the coyote-in-a-trash-compactor sounds of his warbling. He looks like he's passing a kidneystone.

The only thing I can think of that is a really irrational fear for me is power saws. I really hate getting cut, and although I've never fallen prey to one, I don't wanna. They're just moving so fast, and they don't even cut cleanly... I really prefer to stay away from them altogether. I feared loss of limb from Jason Voorhees as a young man walking home from my friend Brandon's house after a Friday the 13th marathon.

As I approach 30, I kind of fear old age, or worse, becoming bedridden and getting super fat. While I could lose a few, I'm not orca fat, and not in danger of becoming that way, but I am a little freaked out and a little prejudiced towards ginormous people. So I guess going to county and state fairs, or anywhere else that white trash gathers, I get a little creeped out. Anyway, that's enough from me. I've now alienated my obese demographic (and let's face it, that's everyone reading this... just kidding!) What about you? The time is yours.


  1. I was just going to say "I'll have to think about it and get back to you" but then you had a picture of a clown and I remembered. I hate them. (PS That's an exceptionally scary picture of a clown.) I'm sure it all roots back to watching IT with Mandy Olsen when I was a wee lass; I've still never seen the ending. Ever since then, I've HATED clowns. That's, like, the worst part of any haunted house.

    As for the rest...I'll get back to you. :)

  2. PS I HATE PIERCE BROSNAN SINGING! I love the movie Mama Mia! but geez, WHY did they choose ole Pierce for the part?!

  3. 1. knives. I am always just terrified of knives. Just plain kitchen knives. Not butter knives, but steak knives, paring knives, bread knives, santoku knives, they all freak me out. And it doesn't help that my wife likes to pretend to be a knife-wielding master.
    2. I also have a strange, slightly paradoxic fear/loathing of fat people. Especially the ones that are so fat they have handicapped stickers and wheelchairs. They haven't earned those parking spaces! At the same time, I recognize that I have a little weight to lose, so it's got to be some level of hypocrisy. But still, how can you be 300 pounds, unless you're 7 feet tall? And even then Shaq looks just a little tubby.

  4. 1) Clowns. I watched Poltergeist too young.
    2)Open water (i.e. lakes, ponds, oceans, not swimming pools). I hate feeling anything touch my legs in open water. I kind of hyperventilate.
