Monday, April 27, 2009

The solution to all your economic woes!

I am going to phone this one in, but only slightly. Some of you may have seen this clip on SNL a few years ago or on another blog. It seems to be making the rounds recently in the blogosphere, but hopefully it is starting to sink in a little. I love me some cool stuff just like anyone else, but I've never been a huge consumer of toys and other worthless crap, and I'm generally pretty disciplined in my buying habits, so for us, it's just the mortgage and a payment on a minivan that became a necessity a few months ago (although I do have some business debt). I had a dream the other night that an elementary school friend who is on my Facebook but I haven't actually talked to in years sent me a check for $500, saying he had put something like 15 or 25 cents in a savings account for everyone in our third-grade class in 1987 and the money had now compounded to just over $500 for everyone. I haven't worked out the math, and I doubt it is accurate, but I have found myself really bummed in the last couple of years as I've realized how few Americans are truly debt-free, and what a mess we're in with our national debt. I really wish our public schools would emphasize a curriculum that includes finances and the magic of compound interest that can be either your best friend or your most ruthless enemy, starting in about first grade. I am starting to fall in love with numbers and budgeting, because I want financial freedom and the ability to help people and worthy organizations (and just be a lazy turd) when I'm 50. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and then follow the advice. Peace out.


  1. Dude - you are the longest winded phoning it in I've seen. I giggle when you have your survey's - because it takes three minutes of you explaining what the quick survey is, often taking longer than the survey would be.

  2. I love this skit. Really, really.

    I like your long-windedness, as Eskimo Bob puts it.

  3. That was great Aaron!!! We are pretty much debt-free too, just Jon's student loans and the mortgage (I drive a '98 Corolla and it's humiliating, but it's paid for).

    So, NO the The Chuck is not really my favorite restaurant; it was an inside joke for one of my college friends who has OCD and can't go near it. Her in-laws took her there for their "really nice" engagement dinner, and we've been laughing about it ever since. Most of my friends know the joke, but of those who don't, I am SHOCKED that you are the only person who bothered to say anything about it. COME ON! What kind of person's favorite restaurant is The Chuck? However, now that I am the mother of 3, one of whom is borderline anorexic, I must say that Chuck A Rama is GREAT! My kids eat there really well, and being from California, I LOVE the scones. And now they have those cinnamon bite things that are awesome... Maybe The Chuck IS one of my favorite restaurants!!!

  4. Dude - I thought I'd leave a comment. Just cause.

  5. copy-cat-er sonofabeeyotch
