Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Start of the Workweek Tribute to Buffalo Bill

Since Tuesday is Monday this week, here is this week's kickoff to the workweek. This song and video was created by indie rock band The Greenskeepers in 2004, but I wasn't aware of it at all until a few months ago (once again thanks to my friend J). It pays homage to the truly memorable Buffalo Bill, the serial killer from Silence of the Lambs. I am just sick enough to find it amusing, and I hope you do too. Have a great week of work!


  1. I have no words. But I feel a little queezy.

  2. I'm surprised that you married a woman.

  3. That was the scariest movie ever! And Aaron, I have to say that this "tribute" was less amusing than it was disturbing... Thanks for giving me the heeby-jeebies right before I drift off to sleep!

  4. I've spent the last 10 years trying to forget this movie; now I remember that Buffalo Bill was the creepiest part of the entire film. Even worse than Hannibal...

    And what's equally as sick, is that someone made a tribute video just for him. :X It makes me feel sick inside...
